J Chris Campbell

Schylling toy update

Sergio Peruyera over at Schylling Toys gave me the scoop on those “Marvel Fighters”.

“Here is what those Marvel Fighters are.They are made of tin and the handle of them fits in your palm. When you squeeze it, the figures move from left to right…like they are fighting. It’s Battles and Team-ups so, there are 3 ‘vs’ fighters, 2 ‘team-up’ fighters and 1 ‘big villian/little heroes’ fighter. I’ve attached a picture of what one actually looks like.”

He informed me the images I posted are prototypes, that’s what I get for swiping and not taking my own pics. I’ll say this, Schylling has some killer package design!

Also here are some pics of the Marvel Jack in The Boxes in their final forms. Thanks Sergio!