J Chris Campbell

Notes from SPACE

Well, SPACE was fun. I got an award for being a nominee for the Day Prize Awards. Dave Sim gave out the awards and said Zig Zag was “sincerely funny material”. How cool is that? I had no idea I would be getting an award for being a nominee, thus I gave a crappy speech at the awards ceremony. Check it here.

Pictured with no comment.

Adrew Davis made it to the show and was able to set up on the extra table beside us. Josh Cotter was there also but of course I didn’t take any photos.

Here’s the only drawing I did except for one in the crazy jam comic that Rob Ullman was passing around.

Uncle Kitchen even made it to the show. He was feeling lousy though.

Rob Venditti, Andy Runton and I rode up in Andy’s CRV. We had a flat and changed it on the side of a very busy highway. Of course I don’t have pics of that. Or pics of the 2 hours of driving I actually did! (Yes I drove.) But thankfully Andy was driving when we got the flat.

After the show we went to eat at P.F. Chang’s but luckily it was packed out and we couldn’t get in. So Rob U, Galen Showman, Rob V, Andy and Me headed on down the strip to Fadó Irish Pub, very yummy. We met Shana, Andy’s online buddy, who was able to hang with our comic geekiness all night. Afterwards we headed to The Cheesecake Factory, and I’d like to say I ate the best cheesecake ever, but I only had water cause I ate to much Shepards Pie and Chips. But they had like 5 billion different cheese cakes and I wished Holli was there with me.

In Conclusion:

As much as I’d like to say “this show rocked the world,” it was pretty much a wash for me. I didn’t get to walk around a lot cause not wanting to spend a wad of money. There wasn’t a bunch of people buying, not a single Attic Bugs T-shirt sold! I did win my first comic award, sold all my collages, slept with Andy and hung with new and old friends. But I think it’s probably the last time I’ll be going to SPACE. Unless it’s the real one with all the little twinkle things and blackness, at NASA.