J Chris Campbell

Devil computer stole my e-mail!

Alright, that’s not totally true. But some computer out there is at fault. Basically I’ve been having a lot of hosting problems with my website. So I switched, new server new company and all sorts of new features. But for some reason my e-mail isn’t working. So I’m sorry if you’re having trouble sending me mail to me@jchriscampbellNOMORESPAM.com.

So if you see my e-mail floating out there, tell him to come home. Because I miss him and I’ll never let that devil computer get ahold of him again. Promise.

Update! Media Temple answered my prayers.

Earlier today I put in a trouble ticket explaining my problems and to my surprise they fixed it within hours! I’m not use to that sort of service from my web hosting companies. So far I’ve loved most everything about my new web host. Who is it? Why I’ll just have to tell you all about it. But first I gots some comicing to do!