J Chris Campbell

Fanaticon 2

This weekend I’ll be at Fanaticon in Asheville. They say it’s comics, collectibles, pop culture and more and it truly is. In addition to all the great artists, vendors and panel discussions they also organize a concert in the courtyard. The Mad Tea Party, How I Became the Bomb and my favorite The Falcon Lords.

We will be setup downstairs near the entrance to the courtyard and across from the auditorium. Taking it all in!

We? Yes, I will not be alone. I’ll be there with Wide Awake Press and Duane Ballenger, Ashley Holt, Josh Latta, and Robert Venditti. Also keep an eye out for other Wappies like Gregory Dickens and Mark Roper of Comics Wanted.

Pickup one of the exclusive Neatobot trading cards and try to collect all #10 of the Fanaticon collector cards from other artists.

I’ll also have copies of my Itty-Bitty Neatobots Coloring Book.

One last thing.

Admission is FREE!