J Chris Campbell

List of humor comics for middle school kids

I am making a list of humor comics that middle school kids would enjoy. This isn’t an all inclusive list and I will probably only include printed comics available in the USA. Sure all of these are enjoyable for kids of all ages but I’m looking for comics that might be a little over the head of average elementary school kids. For example, yes Bone is a fantastic series that everyone should read. But I feel like it would have its most effect on a middle school kids. Anyway, don’t get mad if you don’t see your favorite comic on here. I may not know about it. This will be an ongoing project and feel free to commit and I’ll try and add it to my list.

Last Update 11/17

Atomic Robo
Astronaut Academy

Big Nate
Crogan Adventures
Franklin Richards
Jet Cat
Land of Nod

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
The Tick
Plastic Man
Scooby Doo Team-Up
Supergirl: Cosmic Adventures in the 8th Grade
Street Angel

Calvin & Hobbes
The Far Side

Researching for adding to the list:

Reed Gunther Comics

Atomic City Tales
Amazing Joy Buzzards