J Chris Campbell

Heroes Convention Reasons To Go #2

#2 Creators

I just took another look at the guest list and it is still huge! There are almost 400 creators and comic professionals at this show. From silly cartoonists to realistic painters from web strip artists to the guy who writes Iron Man comics the range of talent is pretty mind boggling.

The majority of these folks are really open to answering questions, signing books or doing a sketch for you. Bring a sketch book with you and collect drawings from artists you’ve met. Most people even request just pictures of Batman or Monkeys in space suits. Artists don’t charge much and some even do it for free! But don’t plan on filling it up in one weekend especially if you’re hitting up some of the more popular artists. Luckily at Heroes Convention the lines for artists don’t get very long. Maybe this year I’ll start that Bizarro themed sketchbook I’ve always wanted.

You can commission artists for more detailed work but be prepared to come back later to pick it up. They’ve usually got a list of things they are working on for people at the show. So make sure to get on their list as early as you can.

Go around and look at each of the artist’s tables. Even if you’re familiar with the artist they may have something you didn’t know was available. The real fun for me is discovering a new creator I’ve never seen before. Each year I meet one or two new artists and it’s actually the place where I’ve met some of my best buddies. That’s one of the greatest things you can find!