Eleven Years & Stardust

Eleven Years & Stardust

Today my wife and I celebrated 11 years of Marriage. We went out to eat at our favorite date eating joint, Portofino’s. It’s not really all that swanky, but it’s swanky enough. If you go order the Pollo Draconcello and scarf down a belly full of their fresh made rolls soaked in garlic butter. So gooooooooooddddd.


So after that we went to the movies. Which have increased to 9 bucks! That’s freaking crazy for little Greenville, 9 dollars? Anyway, we saw Stardust which is a movie that’s been off my radar even though it’s based on a comic book by Neil Gaiman and Charles Vess. What’s even more crazy is I bought my wife the novel for Christmas which she hasn’t read yet and totally forgot about until I just remembered doing this post. So double shame on us, but double good for the movie because we had zero hopes going in and so we were totally entertained. It was a really fun movie especially for 2 young kids like us to see on our anniversary. Go see it with your lovey goggles on.

Stardust comic issue 1


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