Remembering 2006

Remembering 2006

What a year in the life of me. I thought about doing some sort of recap of the year. Maybe a remembrance perhaps of comics, music, television or movies. Then I thought, there are a million people out there doing that. Why not do a personal list, something I could actually look back on and say: Oh yeah, I remember that year. What? No, you don’t have to read it.

JCC Self 2006

It’s all of your business
My wife quit her job, in the middle of tax season, and opened her very own firm. Campbell CPA Firm opened its doors and after we scrambled to put it together in only 2 weeks. Mostly it was my wife who did all the scrambling, I just moved stuff around. The third best thing we’ve ever done together, my son being the first of course.
Zig Zag 2 Comic postponed.

Going Blind and loosing my mind
Started loosing my site, hospitalized, treated and tested for Multiple Scorosis (a cause of Optical Neuritus) missed Heroes Convention (the most hyped one ever) due to complications from a lumbar puncture and sleep depravation. I regained eyesight totally! And quit wearing glasses later in the year.
Zig Zag 2 Comic postponed again

10 years on the beach
We were on vacation with our entire family, wife’s and mine. One day we popped it on everyone that we were renewing our vows the next day. We did it on the beach, on our 10-Year Wedding Anniversary. Yes, it’s the second best thing we’ve ever done.

Attack of the Swedes
My sister moved back home after 9 years abroad. Bringing her 3 young wonderful boys with her. Man this year has been packed with life changing events!

The horror of it all
Wide Awake Press first published book! Wide Awake 666 is killer horror anthology of stories from over 40 different artists. Printed locally. Promoted and distributed by 3 Boys Productions. What were we thinking?

Gobble Gobble Goo
We had an amazing Thanksgiving day at our house. 16 family members gathered around the ole table. Including my sister-in-laws new husband along with his mom and brother. It was an amazingly wonderful day.

He knows when your awake
Another great holiday, including our sons first Christmas that he kind of knew what was going on, Santa coming and presents and what not. I can’t wait till next year!

—Upgrades & Fixes—
New heat and air unit for the house
Friend falls through roof (emergency patch crew never finishes job)
Our dead tree hanging over neighbors garage removed
Finally moved old Dodge out of the front of the yard (sat for 4 years)
It was a pretty crazy year. And I hope 2007 rocks half as much as 2006. What was yours like?


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