The Office

The Office

Many years ago my friend gave me a box set of the first season to The Office. A British television show that he swore was amazingly awesome. So we watched an episode. It was painful. We watched more episodes and they were equally if not more painful. It was funny stuff, but painfully funny stuff. For some odd reason I couldn’t get into it.
When the American version came on I was front and center. I loved it and came back week after week for more. It didn’t feel quite as real as the British version and maybe that’s what made it more accessible for me. It was funny but not in a painful way or maybe not as often as it’s father was.
But I’m wondering if now that there are no new episodes of The Office until April 10th if I shouldn’t call my friend up and tell him I’m ready for the original now.
Jim Halpert

I did this Jim Halpert illustration for Pat Lewis’ Sketch the Office


3 Responses

  1. Ben says:

    Funny… I had almost the exact opposite experience with The Office. Loved the British version, but have been so-so on the American. I think for me the problem is Steve Carell, who’s generally really funny, but doesn’t seem to really work as a “straight man.” I guess I just see him as too inherently goofy. Anyway, different strokes, I guess. Great illo, though!

  2. J Chris says:

    I honestly think if I had watched more episodes of the British version I would have been hooked. I didn’t really give it a fair chance at the time.

    I’m just glad that the American version isn’t just a remake of the British version. I don’t think it would have worked and now I have an entirely different office to explore.

    Did you know there was a German version also?

    Oh Dude, Steve Carell has always been the overconfident dimwitted straight man.

  3. Dino says:

    i feel the same about the British version. It was funny, but harder for me to follow. Partly because of their accents, but also they use slang that I don’t get and therefore miss some of the jokes. Sometimes it’s almost a foreign language.

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