Lizard Man of SC

Lizard Man of SC

My wife ran across this video news report: Lizard Man chewed up my van

I couldn’t believe I had never heard of the Lizard Man of Scape Ore Swap. After doing a tiny bit of research I noticed that our Lizard Man needed a name. Native American tribes of Carolinas talked about local living lizard or fish men called the Inzignanin. That’s way long and hard to remember. So I shortened it to Inzig maybe, I should have called him Nanin.

Lizard Man

What do you call your local lizard man?


5 Responses

  1. Jamers says:

    You never heard of the Lizard Man? I thought you grew up in these parts, but really you’re from outer space, where they don’t have Lizard Men.

  2. Justin says:

    I remember the Lizard Man. I’ll call him Ziggy.

  3. I have no idea why I never heard of the Lizard Man. I must have been under a rock or something.

  4. Brad says:

    Jeez J Chris, even I’ve seen the heard of the lizard man. I think I saw this clip over the weekend on E! (entertainment television) He’s big news.

    Interestingly enough, I have just recently found that Georgia has a sasquatch hunters association. I assumed it was a joke at first, but you can’t shower for like 3 days before you go, and the guys who run it are 100% fer reals.

    So maybe a lizard man hunters association of S.C. wouldn’t be such a bad idea. You already have one pretty good lead (that guy’s van) All the Georgia sasqutach hunters have is B.O.

  5. J Chris says:

    SC Ziggy Hunters
    Lizard Man Fighters
    or how about
    Association of Lizard Man Enthusiasts

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