

I had a lot of fun playing at Heroes Convention. Big thanks to everyone for coming and making this year’s convention legendary!

Playing with pegbots


15 Responses

  1. Adam says:

    I would like to take this opportunity to thank you, J Chris, for assisting as best as humanly possible in my sad performance Saturday night.

  2. Rich says:

    I missed you by a day, but I saw the fancy hardcover. PRETTY…

  3. I do what I can Mr. Adam, the rest is up to you my boy.

    Rich, that hardcover was hardcore!!!

  4. Hardcover? Nay. OMNIBUS!

    xoxo Mr. JCC. A treat to hang with you as always.

    I raise my pinky as I sip my Cosmo.

  5. Rob Ullman says:

    “I raise my pinky as I sip my Cosmo.”
    This comment makes me really wish I could post pictures in the forum!

  6. Dude, I’m so glad that I was able to swing it. Har.

    I think you can post images. Let me check.

  7. Crap, I guess you can’t.:cry:

  8. Jack Blakeney says:

    I was told by one Robert E. Dabney(III) that this
    entitles me to one free hug from “J. Chris Campbell”. Is the afternoon of the 28th good for you?

  9. You are correct! Congratulations! You are a proud owner of a piece of Love Loot. It is an Official Dollar Bin Minted J Chris Campbell Coin called a Huggle. A Huggle is good for one hug from me, J Chris Campbell. Unfortunately it is only valid at comic book related events or venue and can only be redeemed within that event or venue. Huggles can be redeemed at other times if you can meet any of the following conditions.

    1-You are a model that has appeared in a men’s magazine in the last 20 years with said magazine in hand.
    2-You have additional US currency (excluding the lincoln marked coins) that will accompany the Huggle in payment that equals to the same number as the year of J Chris Campbell’s birth.
    3-You are about to die within the next few moments.
    4-Your wife meets condition one and agrees to hug J Chris before and after your hug.
    5-You are wearing a suit made entirely of stuffed Owly toys (Huggle not required if you also have on an Owly hat).
    6-You are dressed more stylish than Brad McGinty or Josh Latta and they are present for comparison.
    7-You have just married Duane Ballenger.
    8-You have a fresh turkey sandwich with just lettuce, tomatto and Duke’s Mayo on it (J Chris Campbell will know if it is not Dukes so no tricky business).
    9-You are one of the dollar bin crew and have had enough of Adam’s complaining about how he does all the work.
    10- You can recall the 8 reasons to visit Heroes Convention including the explanations all from memory.

  10. I have a bag of huggles, and can qualify under perhaps four conditions of your list.

    Today, I am the richest man alive.

    I plan on booking your hug services for the month of September.

    I’ll bring a towel.

  11. Justin says:

    Hey Chris,

    I hate that i missed the show. It’s the first time in years.

    Anyway, be happy in knowing I was at work those days. Sucky.

    Maybe we can hit a toy show together with Duane or something.

    Catch ya later.

  12. Ah Justin. There was a super rain storm on saturday night wrecking our previous dinner plans and a large crowd of us ended up at Phat Burritos. You were missed by lots but mostly they wanted the weirdo toys mini.

  13. Rob Ullman says:

    JCC, what you thought was a rainstorm Saturday was actually my tears at Justin’s (and Jason’s) not attending the show this year. We missed you, buddy! Don’t let it happen again. Do you know how many people went un-made-fun-of because I didn’t have you to talk to?

  14. >You were missed by lots but mostly they wanted the weirdo toys mini.

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