Category: Plugs

Electric Yeti Fight

I went to my second viewing of Scott Pilgram with some pals and I tried to get a picture of the electric yeti fight. But I was not successful. The first pic is the guitars generating the beast. You should probably go see the movie at the theatre on the nice and big screen.

They are all nude!

My good friend Mike Gowan has put his skills to the challenge of remixing the Radiohead song nude. Are you a musical mixing madman? Well give it a shot, download the stems from itunes and upload your completed songs to a plane ole music fan? Well go check out all the mixes at…
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Adventure Time is Algebraic!

If you’ve got time (07min & 33sec), then for sure check out Adventure Time! If you’ve only got a few seconds then check this out and try not wanting to watch his cartoon. Rhombus! Forgive me if this is old youtubing to you, I’m only a year behind on this one.  If you dig it…
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Website Explosions

Last year I ran across this site that does graphical representations of any website. The graphing takes place live via a java application. You’ll see an explosion of dots that continues to grow while you watch with each dot representing a certain thing: blue: for links (the A tag) red: for tables (TABLE, TR and…
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